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#208 : Angles morts

Tandis que Jack essaie d'aider Mike à coincer Calvin, Mel et Doc enquêtent sur une mystérieuse intoxication alimentaire. Charmaine confie un secret à Hope.


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Angles morts

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Réalisateur : Tim Matheson

Scénario : Amy Palmer Robertson

Cast :
Alexandra Breckenridge ... Melinda Monroe
Martin Henderson ... Jack Sheridan
Colin Lawrence ... John 'Preacher' Middleton
Annette O'Toole ... Hope McCrea
Tim Matheson ... Vernon Mullins
Lauren Hammersley ... Charmaine Roberts
Benjamin Hollingsworth ... Dan Brady
Grayson Maxwell Gurnsey ... Ricky
Sarah Dugdale ... Lizzie
Jenny Cooper ... Joey Barnes
Teryl Rothery ... Muriel
Lynda Boyd ... Lilly
Gwynyth Walsh ... Jo Ellen
Carmel Amit ... Jamie
Nicola Cavendish ... Connie
Donald Heng ... George
Lane Edward ... Sheriff Duncan
David Cubitt ... Calvin
Ian Tracey ... Jimmy
Chad Rook ... Spencer
Marco Grazzini ... Mike
Patrick Keating ... Charlie
Keith MacKechnie ... Nick
Cecilly Day ... Beverley
Trevor Lerner ... Bert
Sandy Robson ... Jeb
Javier Lacroix ... Carlos
Greg Delmage ... Howard

Jack’s bar: storeroom

Jack: Ah!


Vernon’s practice: exam room

Jack: Doc.

Mel: Jack? Hey. Hey, what happened?

Jack: I just had a little run-in with a wrecking bar.

Mel: Jeez. Here. Come over here, and I'll take a look at you.

Jack: Thanks.

Mel: Ah. What were you doing with a wrecking bar?

Jack: Trying to turn my upstairs storeroom into a nursery.

Mel: Really? How's that going for you?

Jack: Oh, great. Trying to baby-proof the bar.

Mel: That sounds like an oxymoron.

Jack: Exactly.

Mel: Alrighty, let's take a look… Yeah, that's a pretty nasty gash. You're gonna need stitches.

Jack: Can't you just use a butterfly bandage?

Mel: Come on. You're tough. You can handle it.

Jack: That doesn't mean I'm a fan of cutting needles.

Mel: All right, this is gonna sting a little bit.

Jack: So how are you?

Mel: Fine.

Jack: Well, I'm glad you're feeling better.

Mel: Yeah, I'm sorry about the other morning. I was... I was tired and let my emotions get the better of me.

Jack: Oh, you don't have to apologize.

Mel: Still, you shouldn't have to take care of me.

Jack: It was perfectly understandable.

Mel: This just isn't me. Before everything that happened with Mark and the baby, I hadn't cried since my dad died.

Jack: You feel like I'm judging you?

Mel: I mean, I would.

Jack: No, you wouldn't… You still think I don't understand?

Mel: Understand what?

Jack: That there's no timeline for getting over the loss of someone you love.


Hope’s house: patio

Vernon: Here you go.

Hope: Thank you.

Vernon: Yeah… So, what do you want to do for dinner tonight?

Hope: Heaven help me. I just made you breakfast.

Vernon: That you picked up at the bakery truck, which was very nice of you.

Hope: You're welcome.

Vernon: You know what I miss? I miss all those dinners that we used to have when we lived together.

Hope: You mean the ones where'd I slave over the stove all day and then spend hours cleaning up while you relaxed after a hard day at work.

Vernon: I have evolved. I'll clean up. I'll... I'll bring dessert.

Hope: What would you even want?

Vernon: Oh... Your lasagna.

Hope: Do you have any idea how long it takes to make lasagna from scratch?

Vernon: No, I don't know. A couple hours.

Hope: More like six.

Vernon: Well, it's not like you don't have the time.

Hope: Did you really just say that?

Vernon: Come on. Don't get all riled up, Hope. I'm just saying, you make the best lasagna in town, in the county. But if it's too much for you, we can just eat at the bar.

Hope: Fine. After I get my hair trimmed, I'll make your lasagna, but you, sir, are pushing your luck.

Vernon: Ooh, I'm gonna make it worth your while.

Hope: If I have to clean even one dish...

Vernon: You won't. Scout's honor. See you tonight.

Hope: Bye.


Vernon’s practice: exam room

Mel: Okay. You need to keep it clean and dry for the next few days. Any discharge, swelling, or bleeding, let me know. And just come back in a couple weeks, and I'll take the stitches out.

Jack: Okay.

Mel: You're all set to go.

Jack: What do I owe you?

Mel: You can just take it off my bar tab.


Vernon’s practice: waiting room

Vernon: Oh, good morning, everyone. Uh, we will get to all of you in just a few minutes.

Mel: Uh, Beverly, you can come in.


Vernon’s practice: kitchen

Vernon: What happened to your leg?

Jack: Wrecking bar ricocheted off some shelving. Thanks.

Vernon: You know, that sounds like a metaphor for you and Mel.

Jack: Yeah, I swing, she deflects, I get clobbered. Sounds about right.

Vernon: Yeah.

Jack: Yeah, might be time to put that wrecking bar down… Anyway, we, um, still on for today?

Vernon: I don't think so. You know, I got four walk-ins, and it's not even 9:00 a.m.

Jack: Yeah, don't worry about it.

Vernon: You should take Hope. She knows the most about this area.

Jack: Doc, I'm not sure I'm ready for Hope's assistance.

Vernon: I know. And do what you want, but, uh... She is the best negotiator in town.


Jack’s bar

Preacher: The answer is no.

Connie: You don't even know what I was gonna say.

Preacher: I am not gonna let you implicate yourself by involving you in some fake alibi.

Connie: Too late. It's already been done… I'm just here to tell you to come to my house tomorrow, and wear something you can get dirty.

Preacher: What are you talking about?

Connie: I'm what they would consider a credible alibi. We're not related. We're not friends, and you don't work for me.

Preacher: I consider us friends.

Connie: Yes, we're friendly. There's a difference. The police will never suspect that I'm covering for you, which is the best line of defense for you and Paige.


Vernon’s practice: waiting room

Vernon: It's either the flu or food poisoning, but we'll know more once we get your swab test back.

Nick: Well, it could have been Jo Ellen's oyster stew.

Vernon: Oh?

Nick: It was so bad. I had to sneak out to get a real meal at Jack's.

Vernon: So how is Jo Ellen feeling?

Nick: Oh, no, she's... She's fine. No, but I swear that woman's got a cast-iron stomach.

Charlie: Doc. I think I got a wicked case of indigestion here.

Vernon: Charlie, come here. Sit down right here.

Mel: So get rest and drink plenty of fluids. If your symptoms persist, come back and see us, okay?

Jeb: I appreciate it. I should have gotten that flu shot like you said.

Mel: Well, I think we still have some, so come back tomorrow, and I'll take care of you. All right?

Jeb: Yeah.

Vernon: Hey, Jeb.

Jeb: Hey, Doc.

Vernon: Yeah.


Vernon’s practice: exam room

Mel: With the volume we're seeing, my instinct is were looking at food poisoning.

Vernon: Yeah, my thoughts exactly. We need to know what they ate and where.

Mel: Okay. We'll get everyone to list their food intake within the last 24 hours.

Vernon: Yeah. No, no, you, uh, you do the intake on Charlie. I'll take Betty back.

Mel: But if I do the intake, shouldn't I do the exam?

Vernon: No.

Mel: What? Okay. Why are you saddling me with the paperwork?

Vernon: Because in an outbreak like this, it's much more efficient for the same person to ask the questions, you. And the same person to treat the patients, me.


Paige’s truck

Ricky: Hi.

Lizzie: Hey.

Ricky: You look annoyed.

Lizzie: Everyone's always asking for coffee refills. I need a break… Come on.



Lizzie: Oh! I love this place.

Ricky: I wish I could do that.

Lizzie: Well, you could always hide out in the bathroom.

Ricky: That's so gross. You know how many germs are in a public toilet?

Lizzie: No, and I don't want to know.

Ricky: 34,000 units of bacteria.

Lizzie: Hey, if you want me to kiss you, like, ever again, stop talking about toilets.

Ricky: Roger that.

Lizzie: And you know way too much about bacteria.

Ricky: I, uh, want to be a medic.

Lizzie: You mean doctor?

Ricky: No. Medic. In the Marines.

Lizzie: That's cool.

Ricky: Anyway, I brought you a check. This week's bar order.

Lizzie: Oh, thanks.

Ricky: Yeah.

Lizzie: So, is this the only reason why you're here?

Ricky: Okay. Well, uh...

Lizzie: I'm just messing with you.

Ricky: Wha...

Lizzie: Oh, God, you're so serious.

Ricky: No. No, I'm not. I'm not. I'm not.

Lizzie: So, do you wanna come over later?

Ricky: To the truck?

Lizzie: No, to my house.

Ricky: You mean Connie's?

Lizzie: Yeah, that's where I live. She has an errand to do in Shelter Cove and won't be home till super late.

Ricky: Or we could go to my house. My grandmother will be there.

Lizzie: That's the whole point weirdo. To be alone.

Ricky: Oh. Won't Connie freak out if I come over and she's not there?

Lizzie: Eh, that's half the fun.

Ricky: What's the other half?


Jack’s bar

Muriel: Okay, can we get back to what I was saying, please? They are acting like newlyweds, and I am telling... No, the very minute that I showed interest in Doc, she wanted him back. It's as if she was saying, "Well, if he's good enough for Muriel... "

Connie: I see we've gone back to using the third person.

Muriel: Well, it is true, Connie.

Lilly: I'm very happy for them.

Jo Ellen: I wonder whether they wanna use the B&B for their reception.

Connie: What are you talking about? Hope's not gonna get married again.

Jo Ellen: Well, how do you know that?

Lilly: Technically, they're still married.

Connie: Right.

Jo Ellen: Maybe they'll renew their vows.

Connie: Don't bet on it.

Jo Ellen: Why not?

Connie: Because right now, she's not responsible for making sure that Doc's got clean underwear.

Muriel: You know...

Hope: What's so funny?

Lilly: Um...

Jo Ellen: Well, we were... Oh, um... Yeah.

Connie: Chickens. We were just discussing whether or not you and Doc will resume your married life.

Hope: Gee, I wonder how that came up.

Muriel: Well, you're obviously not trying to keep your relationship secret.

Hope: I never thought I'd say this, but Muriel's correct.

Jo Ellen: Yes!

Hope: Vernon and I are... Together again, but no one's talking about resuming anything.

Connie: Mmm. That's what I said. Otherwise, you can kiss your freedom goodbye and say hello to becoming his personal secretary.

Jo Ellen: Says the woman who's never been married… And personally, I love doing things for Nick. Pressing his shirts, packing his lunch, making his doctor's appointments.

Hope: Vernon and I aren't in any rush. We're taking things day by day.

Muriel: Well, that's smart because you don't know if it's even gonna work out.

Connie: Muriel!

Lilly: Oh, jeez. What does Doc want?

Connie: All men Doc's age want a wife. Married men, they outlive their peers, and married women.

Lilly: Is that true?

Connie: Oh, yeah, direct quote from the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.

Jo Ellen: That sounds made up. I don't believe that.

Hope: It's more believable than the conversation we're having.

Jack: Ladies.

Hope: Hi, Jack!

Jo Ellen: Oh, hey, Jack.

Muriel: Hello, Jack.

Jack: Hey. Um, Hope, I was wondering if you might be available to drive over to Stanton with me.

Connie: I'm heading over to Shelter Cove if you need a ride. It's on my way.

Jack: Thanks, but I was looking to get Hope's opinion on something, unless you're busy.

Hope: Nope. I'm totally available. See you gals later.

Jo Ellen: Bye, Hope.

Hope: Bye.

Muriel: I have to say, I do not understand what men see in her.

Connie: Why? Hope's a natural beauty.

Muriel: Oh, yes, well, so am I.

Jo Ellen: Oh, dear.

Connie: The only thing natural about Muriel is her big head.

Muriel: I heard that!


Vernon’s practice: office

Mel: Well, I found the common denominator. It's Jack's.

Vernon: Oh, God.

Mel: Yeah.

Vernon: You're sure?

Mel: Every single patient reports eating at Jack's in the last 24 hours, and there's no other commonalities.

Vernon: Do you know the culprit?

Mel: It appears to be the beet salad, but there's a lot of ingredients, so I haven't identified the source.

Vernon: Jack and Preacher should close the kitchen while we figure this out.

Mel: Yeah, I'll go over there and talk to them.

Vernon: No, there are more intakes that need to be done. So call the bar and tell them to stop service, and you'll come over later to explain.

Mel: Why can't you just do the intakes?

Vernon: Because we have a system, and I don't want it interrupted.

Mel: No, this is you treating me like your assistant again.

Vernon: You know what? If you were my assistant and you spoke to me like this, you would be gone.


Jack’s bar

Mel: Preach?


Jack’s bar: kitchen

Preacher: Hey.

Mel: Hey.

Preacher: How many people are sick?

Mel: A dozen so far. Is Jack around?

Preacher: No, he's not, uh, picking up his cell. Are you sure that we're the source?

Mel: The berry-beet salad appears to be responsible.

Preacher: Wow. This is unbelievable.

Mel: It should be over in a day or so.

Preacher: I just... You know, I can't understand how this happened.

Mel: Preach, look, I know how dedicated you are to your kitchen. I'm sure however this happened was completely out of your control… Do you want me to try Jack?

Preacher: No. No, this is my problem. Thanks.

Mel: Yeah… I'm sorry.


Jack’s bar

Mel: Hey.

Lizzie: Doc said you'd be here.

Mel: Oh, are you sick?

Lizzie: What? No, I decided to take you up on those birth control samples.

Mel: Oh, okay. Did Connie have a sudden change of heart or something?

Lizzie: No, and she never will.

Mel: Right. Right. Well, I'm happy to give you samples, but you really should have a pelvic exam first.

Lizzie: You said that wasn't necessary.

Mel: Well, it's not required.

Lizzie: Look, all I need are the pills.

Mel: Okay. Well, come with me to the clinic, and I'll go over the proper usage and side effects.

Lizzie: This isn't brain surgery. Can't you just put them in a bag?

Mel: Oh, my gosh. Look, just come with me.



Hope: There's water damage under the sink, and God only knows what calamity awaits in the crawl space.

Carlos: Well, I can assure you the inspector found nothing of note.

Hope: Bedrooms are small, and the HVAC is on its last legs... And... A wood-burning stove. What's he supposed to eat for dinner? S'mores?

Carlos: Well, I thought it was charming.

Hope: Uh-huh. Let's see. Oh... Oh, no. Hmm. That's not good.

Carlos: Okay, look, I'm authorized to take an additional ten percent off the asking price, but, I... That's really the best I can do. I'm just...

Jack: So, you like the place?

Hope: It's a gem.

Jack: Doc was right. You're good. Thanks for driving the price down.

Hope: You're welcome. So you gonna buy it?

Jack: Well. The room above the bar isn't exactly kid-friendly.

Hope: Are you...

Jack: What?

Hope: Nothing. I promised myself I wouldn't ask you any personal questions.

Jack: All right, you just saved me ten percent. What were you gonna say?

Hope: Are you buying the house for you or for someone else?

Jack: Right now, I'm focused on the twins, you know? I want them to... Live somewhere comfortable and safe, and if that means they go back and forth between me and Charmaine, or we all live here, I don't know.

Hope: You're open to that? Living with Charmaine?

Jack: Well, best way to spend time with my kids, then I have to be.

Hope: Oh, I thought you didn't feel that way about her.

Jack: Well, I don't, but... Well, you know, dads don't always get a fair shake when it comes to custody. I want to spend as much time with them as possible.

Hope: Can I say one more thing?

Jack: Go ahead.

Hope: I know I'm not one to talk, but recently I've come to the conclusion that you need to go after what you want even if it's a rougher road.

Jack: Yeah. This is not about... Doing what's easy. Hope, I was with Mel... The morning after the anniversary, and... I mean, she was destroyed. Look, I have to come to terms with the fact that she isn't ready for anything but friendship… And she may never be.

Hope: She'll get there. Eventually.

Jack: Well, I can't keep hitting my head against a wall. I gotta take this, do you mind if...

Hope: We drove separately. Go.

Jack: Okay, and thanks for...


Vernon’s practice: exam room

Mel: Well, your temp is 103.

Bert: What was in that salad that got me so sick?

Mel: We don't know yet.

Bert: Well, how come?

Mel: Well, there's 250 bacteria, parasites, and viruses that can cause foodborne illness.

Bert: I knew I should have ordered the mashed potatoes.

Vernon: Drink lots of fluids and rest.

Mel: Uh, Bert, you can head on in, and Doc will be in to see you in a minute.


Vernon’s practice: office

Vernon: How's it going?

Mel: Well, Bert and a few of the other patients are reporting shortness of breath.

Vernon: Whoa.

Mel: Mm-hmm.

Vernon: That is not a symptom typically associated with foodborne bacteria.

Mel: It could be a delayed response.

Vernon: Well, why don't you research pathogens like mycoplasma, streptococcus, things that affect the respiratory system.

Mel: Okay. I need to finish these intake forms and the food logs first.

Vernon: You haven't finished yet?

Mel: It's a lot of paperwork.

Vernon: What are you doing out there?

Mel: I'm taking notes and logging each person's activities over the last 24 hours.

Vernon: Do it faster.

Mel: What the hell is the matter with you? I'm working as fast as I can, and you're here barking orders at me like some short-order cook.

Vernon: This is why I didn't want you working for me.

Mel: Excuse me?

Vernon: Here we are in the middle of an outbreak, and all you care about is how nice I am to you.

Mel: No. You're being unprofessional.

Vernon: You are being overly sensitive.

Mel: Actually. I'm sorry. Let me rephrase my last statement. You're being an ass. And if we didn't have a room full of patients, I would walk right out of here.


Vernon’s practice: waiting room

Mel: Who's next?



Spencer: You pass anyone on the way up?

Jack: No.

Spencer: I can't take any chances of someone coming by here.

Jack: You got it.

Spencer: This is a bad idea.

Jack: Nobody knows I'm here.

Spencer: Calvin has people everywhere.

Jack: I think I can help you, Spencer.

Spencer: Oh, really? Look, if Calvin finds out thatI ratted him out, I'm dead. My family is dead.

Jack: And if you do nothing? Look, guys that work for Calvin don't seem to live too long… And this isn't just about you. I mean, think about Maxine and your son.

Spencer: I don't know. I mean, if Calvin even thinks that I'm talking to you...

Jack: You trust me, I'll make sure you're covered.

Spencer: What do you wanna know?

Jack: Did Leo work for Calvin?

Spencer: He was only on the job for a couple weeks. Calvin put him on security detail.

Jack: So what happened?

Spencer: He got strung out on the product.

Jack: So Calvin's moving hard drugs? Is there a connection between the drugs and Emerald Lumber?

Spencer: No, no, I'm not saying another word until I know that Maxine and my kid are safe.

Jack: Until Calvin's behind bars, they're never gonna be safe. You know that. But you help me, I swear to you, okay, you and your family will make it out of Virgin River.



Hope: Any stylist will do. I just want a trim… I don't have a lot of time.

Charmaine: Hi! Hope!

Hope: Oh, hello. I thought you were still on leave.

Charmaine: Oh, I'm just working a couple hours a day.

Hope: Well, nice to see you.

Charmaine: Actually, you're coming with me.  Cut and color on the house.

Hope: That isn't necessary.

Charmaine: Oh, come on. A chestnut base would really update your entire look.

Hope: I don't need an update, just a quick trim. Emphasis on quick.

Charmaine: All right… So, how are you and Doc?

Hope: News certainly travels fast around here.

Charmaine: Well, I did live with you.

Hope: We thought we were being discreet.

Charmaine: I have a sixth sense about relationships. You know, you're very lucky. It's not always easy finding love, especially with a man as dependable as Doc.

Hope: I suppose.

Charmaine: Well, yesterday Jack and I sat down to go over our birth plan, and I found out he lied to me. He said that he was at work, but he was with Mel.

Hope: Oh, well, I don't know anything about that.

Charmaine: And so I ended up calling my aunt because I just needed to vent. And now I have this really big decision to make, and I can't tell anyone, and it's killing me.

Hope: I'm sure you'll live through it.

Charmaine: I really wanna tell you. But you have to swear not to tell anyone, especially Jack.

Hope: Don't. I... I can't be involved in anything relating to Jack's personal life.

Charmaine: Oh, it's fine. It'll be our little secret.

Hope: No, really. Things between Jack and me are finally getting back to normal. I can't be a part of any gossip.

Charmaine: My aunt has invited me and the twins to move to Portland and live with her and my uncle.

Hope: Oh, good God!

Charmaine: And I'm seriously considering it.

Hope: No, no, no, no, no!

Charmaine: But I am.

Hope: Charmaine, I can't know this, and now I do know this, and I can't un-know something that I already know. I need to get going.

Charmaine: But I haven't even cut your hair yet.

Hope: It looks great. And if anyone asks, I wasn't here.

Charmaine: But...


Street / Jack’s car

Mike: Hey, brother. What's up?

Jack: Mike, I think I made some headway on Calvin.

Mike: How so?

Jack: I got a guy who will testify that Calvin had Leo Cavanagh killed.

Mike: But Calvin didn't pull the trigger.

Jack: Well, no, he gets other people to do his dirty work.

Mike: In that case, I may have a go-around. You ever heard of RICO?

Jack: Isn't that a mob thing?

Mike: Yeah. It's used to prosecute illegal backdoor activity. All we need is to prove that Calvin is running a criminal enterprise, and then we can target his assets. Your guy, how inside is he?

Jack: He's all the way in.

Mike: Then he's our man.

Jack: Yeah, but there's a catch, buddy. He's got to remain anonymous. He's worried about his family.

Mike: All right, let me talk to the DA. They're ultimately in charge, but the intel sounds worthy of a deal to me.

Jack: Let me know what the DA comes back with, will ya?

Mike: Yeah, I'll be in touch.

Jack: Thanks for helping me out with this.

Mike: You got it, brother. Talk soon.

Jack: Yup.


Jack’s bar

Jamie: How many people are sick?

Preacher: So far, about a dozen.

Jack: And any word from Mel on what caused it?

Preacher: Says it looks to be the beet salad.

Jack: Well, I don't understand. All the ingredients came from your garden.

Preacher: Yeah, it doesn't make any sense. I mean, I test the soil once a week.

Jack: Did you check with Ricky and George?

Preacher: They said they followed protocol.

Jamie: Did anything change this week?

Jack: Something had to have.

Ricky: Actually, I think it's my fault.

Jack: What?

Ricky: I know I said I followed protocol, but I'm not sure I double-washed the lettuce.

Jack: Ricky.

Ricky: I've got a lot on my plate right now.

Mel: Hey. Hey, what's going on?

Ricky: I'm not sure if I washed the lettuce.

Mel: Ricky, I don't think you're to blame.

Ricky: I'm not?

Mel: There's a chance that this outbreak might not be food-related.

Jack: Really?

Mel: Yeah, we had another symptom come up. Shortness of breath.

Preacher: Okay. So what does that mean?

Mel: Well, we don't know yet, but whether someone washed or didn't wash the lettuce is not the cause of it.

Ricky: I'll be in the kitchen.

Preacher: So, what do you think?

Jamie: Uh, if it were me, I'd look for an outlier. A new food supplier, a new employee, rival restaurant in a neighboring town.

Jack: You think something was done deliberately?

Jamie: Knowing how meticulous Preacher is with his food, it's possible.

Preacher: Nah, we're a small town, and that kind of thing doesn't happen in places like Virgin River.

Jamie: The restaurant industry is dog-eat-dog, no matter where you are. So... you always have to be looking out for yourself.


Hope’s house: living room

Vernon: Hey.

Hope: I didn't have time to make the lasagna. You're just gonna have to deal with leftovers.

Vernon: It's okay.

Hope: I was planning to cook, but there was an incident at the salon.

Vernon: Oh, don't worry about it. The clinic was so busy, I ended up eating a late lunch.

Hope: Are you telling me that you're not hungry?

Vernon: I'll have a banana.

Hope: So if I had made the lasagna, you wouldn't have eaten it. I would have rearranged my entire day, cancelled my plans, then what?

Vernon: Well, considering you didn't, I would say your complaint is moot.

Hope: That's not the point. You were being cavalier with my time.

Vernon: Why... Why are you deliberately trying to pick a fight with me?

Hope: I'm not! I've had an extremely stressful day, and you're agitating me.

Vernon: You know, for most people, a house walk-through and a hair cut would be considered a day off.

Hope: You have no idea what I'm dealing with.

Vernon: Yeah? And what is that?

Hope: Charmaine told me she's thinking of moving, and she made me promise not to tell Jack.

Vernon: Chrissake! I can't believe that you are back to gossiping about Jack!

Hope: I'm not! I told Charmaine I didn't wanna know anything personal, and she told me anyway.

Vernon: Yeah, I find that hard to believe.

Hope: You really don't believe me?

Vernon: You know, all I know is I don't have the energy to put up with any more of this nonsense… Good night.


Connie’s house: kitchen

Lizzie: Hey. Oh, don't tell me you brought your homework.

Ricky: No. Actually, I brought something better.

Lizzie: Alcohol?

Ricky: Candy. I got, uh, Red Vines, chocolate bars, peppermint patties.

Lizzie: What? No popcorn?

Ricky: I know you like extra butter.

Lizzie: You're sweet… What do you wanna watch?

Ricky: Uh, I heard Stranger Things is pretty good.

Lizzie: You've never seen it?

Ricky: I don't have a lot of free time. I...

Lizzie: I can't even with you right now.

Ricky: Where are you going?

Lizzie: To my room. We need to start your education.

Ricky: Uh, yeah. Do you mind if I, um, grab some water really quick? My mouth feels dry.

Lizzie: Are you okay?

Ricky: I'm fine. I just need a cup of water.

Lizzie: Okay, grab a glass and meet me upstairs. My bed is way more comfortable than the couch.

Ricky: Okay. Um...


Sherriff Station

Howard: Oh, hey, Preacher.

Preacher: Hey, Howard. Um, the sheriff asked me to stop by.

Howard: Oh, he's not here right now.

Preacher: Ah. Well, I can wait.

Howard: Uh, it'll be a while. Abandoned vehicle was located up in Dinsmore.

Preacher: Dinsmore?

Howard: Yeah. Hunting party found it up the mountain under some brush.

Preacher: Huh. Surprised a lost vehicle rates so high on his agenda.

Howard: Normally it wouldn't, but it's registered to a missing person.

Preacher: Oh, okay. Catch him later.

Howard: All right.

Preacher: Have a good night.

Howard: Yeah, you too.


Vernon’s practice: exam room

George: Excuse me?

Mel: Yeah. Hey, it's George, right?

George: Sorry it's so late, but my hands are pretty much on fire.

Mel: Ooh. Yeah. Come on in here… Like an itch?

George: Feels more like a burn.

Mel: Like a burn? Okay. Why don't you have a seat? Um, I've got a topical cream that will bring down the inflammation, okay?

George: Thanks.

Mel: Do you have any other symptoms, like a fever? Nausea?

George: Well, I had some stomach cramps last night, but they went away.

Mel: That was fast.

George: Yeah. It's really just the rash.

Mel: Mm-hmm.

George: Hurts like a motherf... Sorry.

Mel: Did you have the, uh, berry-beet salad at Jack's?

George: Can't stand beets.

Mel: Yeah. Did you do any of the vegetable prep?

George: Like I told Preacher, I'm a waiter, not a cook.

Mel: So, how long have you been working there?

George: I don't know. Um... About a week. Why?

Mel: I was just wondering… Do you like working there?

George: Meh. It's a job.

Mel: Yeah… All right. Well, I'm gonna have you sit tight because the cream needs to absorb before I can bandage your hands.

George: Okay.

Mel: I'll be right back.

George: Okay.


Vernon’s practice: kitchen / Jack’s bar: office

Jack: Mel?

Mel: Hey, Jack, can you come down to the clinic?

Jack: What's going on?

Mel: There's something I think you need to see.

Jack: Uh, yeah, I'll be right over.

Mel: Thanks.


Jack’s bar: office / house

Jack: Hey, Carlos, thanks for calling me back.

Carlos: Of course. What do you need?

Jack: Well, I've decided to move forward on the house.

Carlos: Ah. Your timing's off.

Jack: How's that?

Carlos: Another buyer made an offer, ten percent over asking.

Jack: Ten percent. Okay. Uh... Look, I don't... I don't think I can swing it.

Carlos: You could rent out the upstairs room as a source of additional income.

Jack: I hadn't thought of that. Do you think I'd make enough to cover the difference?

Carlos: I might have someone who'll pay top dollar, but just let me confirm before I give out their information.

Jack: Okay, keep me posted.

Carlos: Sure will. Bye-bye.

Jack: Yup.


Connie’s house: Lizzie’s bedroom

Ricky: What... What are you doing? I was really into that.

Lizzie: I'm tired of watching TV.

Ricky: Okay, what do you wanna do?

Lizzie: I don't know, just hang out.

Ricky: Do you have a fan in here? It's feeling really stuffy.

Lizzie: It's not hot outside.

Ricky: You know, maybe it's the humidity index.

Lizzie: I do not know what you're talking about… This better?

Ricky: Yeah, that's great. Thanks.

Lizzie: Come over here.

Ricky: Okay.

Lizzie: Come here… You look cute.

Ricky: You look really pretty.

Lizzie: Thanks. Let's do one more… What do you think?

Ricky: You look good. I... I look weird.

Lizzie: No, you don't… Wanna go lie down?

Ricky: Uh, I don't think we should.

Lizzie: Why not?

Ricky: Because... I've never had sex before.

Lizzie: Who said we're having sex?

Ricky: I... I'm so sorry. I thought with the kissing and the bed and the wanting to be alone. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to assume… You probably think I'm a freak. I... I won't blame you if you didn't want to hang out anymore.

Lizzie: If you're a freak, then I'm a freak.

Ricky: What do you mean?

Lizzie: What do you think I mean? You'd be my first too.

Ricky: Whoa.

Lizzie: But don't tell anyone that. Embarrassing.

Ricky: Okay. Do you want me to leave?

Lizzie: No. The best part's coming up.



Calvin: What I hear is you blew the sale.

Brady: We can get another farm. Okay, the county's full of them.

Calvin: Your buddy Sheridan had a hand in it.

Brady: He's not my buddy.

Calvin: I brought you here because I thought your connections to Virgin River could be a help to us. So far, that hasn't been the case.

Brady: Hey. Hey, hey, hey. Let me take another run at Lilly. Okay, I know I can turn her around.

Calvin: No. It's too late for that. See, if I don't feel I can trust you...

Brady: You can. I swear. Just tell me what I need to do, and I'll do it.

Calvin: I need you to show me I can trust you.

Brady: How?

Calvin: You'll see.

Brady: Hey. Hey, hold on. Hey.

Calvin: Set him down right there.

Spencer: Hang on.

Calvin: See, Brady, you're either on the team... Or you're not. Spencer's not. Go on. Take it.


Vernon’s practice: kitchen

Jack: Hey.

Mel: Hey. Shh. One of your servers just came in. George.

Jack: What, has he got food poisoning too?

Mel: Well, no, he has a rash on his hands, and he has some of the symptoms that the other patients had, but they went away immediately, and he didn't eat the salad.

Jack: What are you saying? You think... You think George deliberately contaminated our food?

Mel: Well, I don't know. Jamie said look for the outlier, and he hasn't been working for you long, right?

Jack: Well, about a week. What's his motive?

Mel: I don't know, but his story doesn't add up.

Jack: All right, I'll talk to him.


Vernon’s practice: exam room

Mel: He was just here.


Vernon’s practice: porch

Mel: Well, there's your motive.

Jack: Well, I guess that's his way of telling me to stay out of his business.

Mel: I'm gonna call the sheriff.

Jack: No, no, don't… This is between me and Calvin.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 28 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

24.04.2024 vers 11h

18.10.2023 vers 21h

13.11.2022 vers 16h

02.03.2022 vers 12h

06.12.2021 vers 13h

25.07.2021 vers 19h

Derniers commentaires

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jptruelove  (18.10.2023 à 21:13)

Jack et Charmaine, ils feraient bien de discuter de leurs projets pour leurs enfants... Perso, cela ne me dérange pas si Charmaine part dans sa famille... Mais on voit que Jack veut s'impliquer donc j'espère qu'elle lui donnera une place auprès d'eux.

Brady est mal barré car s'il ne tue pas le gars, il sera la prochaine victime de Calvin...

Calvin, c'est un co****d ! Rendre malade plein de gens pour faire passer un message à Jack, c'est super sympa comme plan...

jptruelove  (18.10.2023 à 21:13)

Jack et Charmaine, ils feraient bien de discuter de leurs projets pour leurs enfants... Perso, cela ne me dérange pas si Charmaine part dans sa famille... Mais on voit que Jack veut s'impliquer donc j'espère qu'elle lui donnera une place auprès d'eux.

Brady est mal barré car s'il ne tue pas le gars, il sera la prochaine victime de Calvin...

Calvin, c'est un co****d ! Rendre malade plein de gens pour faire passer un message à Jack, c'est super sympa comme plan...

Syliam31  (05.05.2021 à 23:19)

J'espère vraiment que Brady ne suivra pas les directives de Calvin.... mais j'ai peur qu'il y soit obligé car il est maintenant rentré dans un engrenage qui fait que s'il sort du rang c'est lui qui deviendra la victime!!

Charmaine réfléchit à s'installer à Portland dans sa famille pour vivre avec ses jumeaux. Ça pourrait être une bonne idée puisque ça laisserait le champ libre pour Mel et Jack mais la façon dont elle envisage les choses sans en parler à Jack est vraiment malsaine. Surtout qu'il projette d'acheter une maison pour élever ses enfants.

Il semblerait que le Shérif soit sur la piste de la voiture abandonnée et de la disparition de l'ex-mari de Paige. Preacher a de plus en plus de mal a paraître étranger à l'affaire!

L'intoxication alimentaire dont est victime la plupart des habitants de Virgin River est très étrange.... il semblerait que Calvin soit une fois de plus impliqué!!! Je pense qu'il essaie de faire comprendre à Jack d'arrêter de se mêler de ses affaires.

labelette  (10.01.2021 à 15:09)

Brady traine vraiment avec les mauvaises personnes... J'espère qu'il ne va pas tuer le jeune père...

Ce coup-ci, a priori c'est le corps de Wes qui a été trouvé... Preacher a-t-il travaillé son alibi avec Connie ?


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Locksley, 17.06.2024 à 19:08

Le quartier Fire Country est ouvert ! Bonne inauguration à sabby et bonne visite !

langedu74, Avant-hier à 22:27

Nouveau design pour le quartier The Handmaid's Tale ! N'hésitez pas à passer le voir

cinto, Aujourd'hui à 10:32

Si vous avez la majorité (en âge, pas à l'Assemblée, hein!)venez voter chez Queer as Folk, clichés gays obligent...

sanct08, Aujourd'hui à 12:35

Bonjour, venez voter au sondage culinaire de Star Trek :=)

sanct08, Aujourd'hui à 12:35

Et n'oubliez pas les forums et sondages de X-Files et Le Caméléon !

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